Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poor Spike

Today Mom read me a story about a bulldog named Spike who lives in New York. Spike's family was very mean to him and beat him, and his Mom is going to jail now. When Mom read me the story I cried. Why would somebody treat a dog like that? I hope that Spike's mom spends the rest of her life in jail so Spike can be safe. I told Mom I want to adopt Spike so he can come play with me (since Shamu does not seem to be out of the hospital yet I need a replacement buddy). I am very lucky. Mom and Dad are very gentle with me and they love me. I guess I am kind of rough on them sometimes. Sometimes when I play I accidentally bite Mom and Dad. I hope they don't think I am abusing them. I would be really sad if Mom and Dad left me because I was too mean to them. I am going to start being super nice from now on. Tonight when I go to bed I will thank my lucky stars that Mom and Dad don't own a snow shovel.

Oohh...other exciting news! Mom is taking banjo lessons. She lets me practice with her. She tries really hard, but it sounds really bad. It kind of makes my ears hurt. I don't want to hurt her feelings though so I smile while she plays. She plays the same chords over and over. I can't wait until she learns to play something that actually sounds good.

Here is the story about Spike if you haven't read it already.

Goodnight, Folks

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