Tuesday, April 27, 2010

long time no write

Hi guys,

I am sorry I haven't written in so long. I have been really busy lately. Mom and Dad grill outside sometimes and I have to stand there and watch the meat cook. I love meat! Last night Mom and Dad grilled steaks and they saved a nice big piece for me. It made me feel loved. Tonight Mom gave me a slice of apple. Apples are my favorite!

Grandma and Grandpa had a portrait painted of my uncles. A real artist painted their portrait. Mom said that if I am good, I can get my portrait painted too. I hope that Mom and Dad get a portrait made of me and hang it right in the living room so everyone will know how proud they are of me. I am a good dog. Everyday Mom tells me how good I am. Today when I was in the elevator, I sat still. It was really hard, but I did it!

I am a little bit upset because Mom and Dad will be going on vacation at the end of the May. I assumed I was invited, but I guess not. They keep talking about "pet sitters." If I were going to take an international trip, I would invite Mom and Dad, but I guess they don't think I'm mature enough yet. Not fair! I will be two years old in July and I've never been out of the Midwest. I think they'd love me in Taiwan and Japan. Oh well...hopefully I will get to travel at some point in my life. My biggest trip was to Champaign, IL when we took my Uncle Joseph to college. I really hope that Champaign won't be as far as I get in life!

I am so tired today. I had a really long day. I napped all day and then I ate a bunch of food. I am worn out. I had to go on a couple of walks too. I think I will go sleep on the couch and cuddle up next to mom.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't written in such a long time. I have been really busy lately. Mom has needed me to listen to her while she practices the banjo, and Dad likes it when I sit with him while he watches TV, so I am busy making them happy.

Things are good. This new dog moved into the building. His name is Bentley and he is a great Dane. He is a little bit bigger than me. Mom says he is 10 times my size. I don't think he's that big. I could definitely beat him up if I needed to. Mom was not happy with me because the other day, Bentley and I were in the elevator together and I barked and growled at Bentley just to warn him not to mess with me because I am tough. Mom said that it was not nice and I should welcome him since he just moved here. Next time I see him, I will try to be nice.

Yesterday, Mom and Dad made pizza at home. Mom made the dough and everything! They gave me their crusts and they also gave me pepperoni! I like pizza night. I wish they made me pizza every night. Unfortunately, they made brussell sprouts tonight. I was curious so I tried one. Yuck! I do not like vegetables. I hope Mom reads this and buys more pepperoni...

I am trying not to eat too much lately. Summer is coming and I want to be in good shape so maybe I can meet a nice girl dog and have a girlfriend. I would really like to have a girlfriend some day. Mom and Dad said they might get another dog some day so I can have a brother or sister. I don't want a brother or sister though. I just want a lady friend. I have a crush on this boxer down the hall. Her name is Layla. She is a lot bigger than me though, but that doesn't matter to me. Unfortunately, I think Layla cares. She doesn't realize that good things come in small packages. Oh Layla...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poor Spike

Today Mom read me a story about a bulldog named Spike who lives in New York. Spike's family was very mean to him and beat him, and his Mom is going to jail now. When Mom read me the story I cried. Why would somebody treat a dog like that? I hope that Spike's mom spends the rest of her life in jail so Spike can be safe. I told Mom I want to adopt Spike so he can come play with me (since Shamu does not seem to be out of the hospital yet I need a replacement buddy). I am very lucky. Mom and Dad are very gentle with me and they love me. I guess I am kind of rough on them sometimes. Sometimes when I play I accidentally bite Mom and Dad. I hope they don't think I am abusing them. I would be really sad if Mom and Dad left me because I was too mean to them. I am going to start being super nice from now on. Tonight when I go to bed I will thank my lucky stars that Mom and Dad don't own a snow shovel.

Oohh...other exciting news! Mom is taking banjo lessons. She lets me practice with her. She tries really hard, but it sounds really bad. It kind of makes my ears hurt. I don't want to hurt her feelings though so I smile while she plays. She plays the same chords over and over. I can't wait until she learns to play something that actually sounds good.

Here is the story about Spike if you haven't read it already.


Goodnight, Folks

Friday, March 5, 2010

not so healthy...

Poor Shamu. More fins fell off. I even accidentally pulled his squeaker out. I think Shamu is not very healthy. Mom said he needs a couple days to fully recover and then he can play with me again! I am waiting eagerly...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Best day ever!

Today was very special. Mom and Dad left me home alone (as usual) to go run errands, but today when they came home, they brought home a surprise for me. Mom put all the groceries away, and Dad opened up a special plastic bag and he told me that there was something just for me inside. I sat there patiently and waited, and then he brought out the best thing ever...a killer whale stuffed animal!! It is so great. I named him Shamu. I will probably never get a chance to go to SeaWorld in my life time, so this is probably as close to Shamu as I will ever get. Shamu really likes it here. I showed him my pen and I buried him in my blankets. Then I let him sit on the couch with me. Then I chewed off one of his fins. I don't think he minded, but Mom and Dad didn't seem too happy so they took Shamu away from me for a little while so Mom could "perform surgery" on my Shamu. She removed the fin that I had chewed off and sewed the hole up. Then she gave me Shamu back so I was very happy, even though he is missing a fin. So then I was playing with Shamu and showing him my other toys and we got to talking and then he told me his other fin itched so I was helping scratch his fin and accidentally bit his fin off...oops. Mom was not too happy about it because she had to perform a second emergency surgery. Anyways Shamu is on the operating table right now and I really hope he makes it because I have a lot more games I want to play with him.

Please keep your fingers crossed for Shamu's surgery!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last night Mom took me for a walk around 10:30. There was so much snow, but I had my jacket on so I was okay. Tons of snow was coming down in these huge snow flakes. Mom said it felt like we were inside a "snow globe." I have never seen a snow globe before so I am not really sure what she is talking about. She said that she will get me a snow globe next Christmas. I am excited! My first snow globe.

Today Mom and Dad bought me this special wax that will protect my paws. It is made in Canada. Mom and Dad spoil me. Anyways, Mom slathered it all over my feet and in between my toes. It felt really good because my feet get dry in the winter. It feels nice to have people take care of me. It reminds me of how loved I am. Last night, Mom and I watched 4 episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter (my favorite show!). We snuggled up on the couch together, watching all the snow outside. I kept Mom all nice and toasty...I think it made her day. Sometimes I would rather lay on the floor and rest but Mom looks sad all alone on the couch so I jump on the couch and lay on her lap and smile at her. So you see... I spoil Mom too.

Later, Folks!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lucky Money update

Oh I forgot. I talked to Mom and Dad about the lucky money thing. Nobody gave me a red envelope for Chinese New Year, but they said that next time we go to PetCo, I get to choose one new toy and a new bag of treats, so I guess it is okay. They told me that it is easier if they just buy me what I want instead of giving me cash since I don't really have a wallet or anywhere to store it. Then I said, "Well, you could buy me a wallet for my birthday," and they had no response to that. Typical!

I am back!

Hello friends,

Sorry I have not written in awhile. I was very busy when Grandma and Grandpa were visiting. I think I made a very good impression and they really do like me. They kept saying they haven't ever seen such lovely spots. I try to be modest most of the time, but I really do have great spots. They are perfectly spaced out all over my body...kind of like a prize winning cow. Anyways, we had a really fun time with Grandma and Grandpa and they were impressed that I can understand Chinese. I did miss sleeping in the big bed, but Mom and Dad told me that since Grandma and Grandpa don't visit often, we should let them sleep in the big bed and we could sleep on the futon. The futon was okay but there wasn't much room for me to stretch out. I survived though.

Mom has a cold. She started getting sick on Monday so I have been really busy taking care of her. She mostly just laid in bed or on the couch with lots of tissues and tea. I was like her personal body warmer. I think she was really proud of what a good son I am.

Today Mom and Dad went to the grocery store to stock up since our fridge is looking pretty bare these days. I was hoping, they would remember to get me my favorite greenies mint bones (they taste great plus they freshen my breath), but they didn't. They bought like 4 bags worth of groceries but they didn't remember any of the things I like. I think they felt kind of guilty though because they fried up a couple of slices of bacon just for me. Then Dad downloaded this Japanese movie about dogs and we all watched it together. I fell asleep because it was kind of boring, but I guess it was pretty mushy, because Mom was crying when the main dog died and then she was like hugging me afterwards. I think they will start appreciating me a little more so overall the movie was a success.

Mom just took me on my early evening walk. It is wet and snowy out. I really don't like getting my feet wet but I guess I don't have a choice. I try to walk underneath the awnings in the dry spots, but sometimes there aren't awnings so I have to get my toes wet. Once we get back inside mom dried me off though so that was good. There's nothing I hate more than smelling like a wet dog. I have doggy cologne in the "baby fresh" scent. When they spray it on me, I feel pretty good about myself. Grandma and Grandpa thought I smelled good too.

I have really enjoyed this vacation. Having Mom and Dad home from work to play with me for a whole week was really fun, plus it was good to meet my grandparents. Tomorrow Mom and Dad have to go back to work though and things will go back to normal. It will be good seeing E though and the rest of my buddies I walk with though. I guess I should go relax a little and enjoy the rest of what's left of my weekend. Mom and Dad are calling me so I gotta go!

Good night, folks!
~Po Po

P.S. I am including a full body shot so you can get a better look at my spots!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lucky Money!

I was born the year of the rat (Chinese Zodiac). My mom is a rat too so that's why we get along so great. My dad was born kind of on the cusp of a dog year and a pig year so we like to say he has a dog head and a pig tail. Anyways, I am a little rat and I am looking forward to the year of the tiger. Chinese New Year's is on the 14th (same day as Valentine's day this year). I don't really have a Valentine this year. Mom told me that I am her Valentine, but I heard her tell Dad he was her Valentine. I think she told me I could be her Valentine out of pity. I am not that pathetic. I can get my own Valentine! I did meet this one poodle named Penny. We get walked together sometimes and she's pretty cute...but I don't know if I like her enough to throw myself out there and ask her to be my Valentine. I've kind of given up on Valentine's day, but I'm definitely hoping I get my lucky red envelope this year. Last year, Mom and Dad didn't give me any lucky money. I was just a puppy then so they probably figured I didn't need it. I am older now so hopefully they won't forget about me...their little rat! I hope you're reading this, Mom and Dad!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gay marriage

I really wish my uncles could get married. They really love each other. My mom has two non human brothers. After my mom went away to college, my grandma and grandpa missed her so much they decided to adopt two boys so they got 2 pugs. Their names are Doolittle and Peabody. Uncle Peabody and Uncle Doolittle are great and they have been living together at my grandparent's house for a long time. Uncle Pea and Uncle Doo are in love. My mom says they play "piggy back ride" with each other which I think she thinks I do not understand yet. I am pretty sure Uncle Doo and Uncle Pea like each other as more than just friends. I hope that some day they can get married and live happily ever after. They really deserve it. They are good Uncles and they call me on the phone to check on me. I think they really love me. I love them too.

My childhood

I was a really pretty baby. I know everyone thinks they were a pretty baby, but I was a really really good looking kid. Everyone thought I was the best thing. They still think I'm the best, but I'll admit, I am more manly now and a bit less cute. Here is some eye candy for you from my youth. Enjoy!


P.S. When I say "manly", I mean "manly." I still have my male parts, but I think my parents want to get rid of them soon. Last time they tried to get rid of them, I made my heart thump funny so the doctor would think I have a heart murmur and I wouldn't have to go through with it. Mom and Dad are always worried about my little heart now, so I have been able to save my manhood. I am afraid that they have not given up on getting me neutered yet...

Getting ready for company!

So my dad's parents (my grandparents) are coming to visit us from Taiwan. Mom has been super busy cleaning the house. I think In-Laws stress people out. I am going to be very good when they are here since I hear Grandma is scared of dogs. Mom told me she will give me a bath and trim my nails so I look extra special. I really want to make a good impression so they will accept me as their grandson, even though I am not quite human. I am excited! Mom and Dad are taking a few days off work. I hope this means more walks and more play time!

My friend Kingston's mom bought him some shoes, but I guess they're too big for him so Kingston's mom gave them to my mom to try out on me. It was awful. I think they're too small for me but Mom thinks they will fit. She spent like an hour trying to jam the shoes on. They look ridiculous on me...sorta like Cinderalla's evil step sisters trying to shove on the glass slipper except. Oh well. I will grin and bare it. They started falling off when I was running and Mom was running around trying to find them so they wouldn't get lost in the piles of snow. I really wish they would have gotten lost...I guess I can try again tonight to lose them.

Tonight Mom made salmon, scallops, and shrimp for dinner. They had asparagus and cherry tomatoes too. She and Dad ate most of it but she saved a little piece of salmon for me. It was delicious. I would really like a chance to try scallops as well. If you're reading this Mom, please save a scallop for me next time :)

I guess I should go chill in the living room and be social now.

I might not have time to write too much this weekend since my grandparents are in town, but I will try to post some updates.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The beginning

My name is Napoleon, but you can call me PoPo. My human parents call me PoPo, Napoleon, or Policious. Please don't call me Policious. It's really embarrassing.

I am a male French Bulldog. I will be two years old in July, and for the most part, life is good. I live in Chicago in a condo downtown. Mom and Dad are at work a lot, so I have a lot of time to sit at home and ponder things. I figured a blog would give me an outlet to express myself and kill some time while I wait for them to come home from work.

Mom and Dad brought me to live with them shortly after they got engaged. They've been married for a few months now and we moved to a new condo. My life is pretty simple. I get up in the morning, rather Mom wakes me up. Then I watch her put her makeup on and get ready for work. Then she feeds me and gives me my vitamins/supplements ( I take fish oil to keep my skin and hair looking like a rock star). Then we get ready for our walk. Walks are my favorite part of the day, but lately, because of the weather, I am not a fan. Don't get me wrong. I love the snow. I just hate the things my parents make me wear in the winter weather. The stuff they make me wear in public...ugh. I have a fleece jacket which isn't that bad, but it has these straps that go around my legs/butt in the back. They joke that it looks like I'm wearing assless chaps. I can hear them when they say that and then they expect me to go out in public wearing that. Whatever. I am used to the fleece, and I can be mature and admit it does keep me relatively warm. The latest thing are the boots though. Mom and Dad are scared the salt will hurt my feet so they make me wear these blue rubber clownish things which make this awful squeaking noise when I walk. I know they do it because they love me, but sometimes I just don't want to leave the condo looking like that...assless chaps and clown shoes. Would you?

Anyways, after our walk, we come back up in the elevator, run down the hall to our condo, and then Mom makes me wait in the guest bathroom while she takes her coat off. I think she has this fear I'm gonna go nuts and run around the house with my leash and knock things over and get mud all over the house. I wish she would trust me more. Anyways, so while she takes her coat and boots off, I sit on the bathmat, and then she comes in and takes my shoes off and wipes me down, and I'm FREE!! I run to the living room and usually drag a couple of toys out to try to get in a few games of fetch before Mom leaves for work. Then Dad wakes up ( if he's in town that is. he is out of town for work a lot ) and he plays with me a bit. I watch him shower and shave and eat his breakfast. Then he puts me in my pen. My pen really isn't that bad. It's pretty big and has lots of blankets and toys in there. I have my nylabones, a few bouncy balls, and some snacks, plus my water. That's about all I need. Then after my parents are gone for the day, I have a nap. It's a good nap. The house is quiet, my blankets are soft, and for the most part, I don't have anything to really worry about, so it is quite relaxing. Around noon, E comes to walk me. He walks me with a few other guys so it's my social time. I have a lot of friends so it's good to get out and about and catch up with the guys. We hang out for about an hour, then he drops me back off at home and I wait til Mom and Dad get home. That's about it. Then they get home, feed me dinner, take me for walks, make me watch bad tv, throw toys at me, and snuggle with me. I like snuggling though so it's cool.

I'm kind of tired tonight so I am going to wrap this up. I will post tomorrow if I get time. Although I do get kind of busy on Wednesdays. I usually reorganize my pen and move my toys around, hide my nylabones under the blankets a little better, you know important stuff like that.

Good night, folks!